Grocery Haul 101 – How to make healthy shopping EASY!


I just did a quick grocery shop – BUT as I was going through the checkout I was thinking about how calm I was…

If I think back a few years when I started really noticing what I was putting in my body, it was a total different story! 😅 .

I was nervous, stressed and just manic in the supermarket 🙈 I would be rushing around trying to work what the f**k to put in my trolley 😂 trying to read labels, trying to UNDERSTAND labels, I assumed everyone was watching me judging me, thinking I’d pick the wrong brand of something…

But can I just say… it gets so much fricken easier. You get to know your trusted brands, you know what ingredients to look out for, your confidence builds and you don’t feel stressed trying to find ‘healthy products’. 💁🏼🍌🍉🍑🌽🍆🥑🥒🍠

A few simple strategies I stick to:

Stick to the outter perimeter – frozen veg, fresh fruit and veg, the inside isles are where all the processed products are – so you really should only need a few of the ‘essential pantry items’ But spend most of your time in the outter perimeter.

Buy seasonal produce – 1. It’s fresher and 2. It’s in season and meant to be eaten! . Never go grocery shopping hungry… or worse HANGRY 😤😂

Don’t rush. Take your time. Learn your own way!

What are your tips that help you keep your cool in the supermarket when there are so many overwhelming things in your face 😵

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