Mint to be Smoothie


This smoothie & I… we’re just Mint-to-be… See what I did there Haha Some days you just need a bit of encourage-mint.. All bad jokes aside this smoothie is seriously yummy! Mint is a fantastic palate cleanser, which means it is perfect way to start your day and promote your digestive system! Share The Wholesome Heart Vibe INGREDIENTS (CHOOSE ORGANIC … Read More

Must do Morning Rituals

Question: Do you need a morning routine? I’m not talking about, getting the kids dressed for school, or making sure you grab your lunch…. I am talking about YOUR morning routine. The time you take set yourself up for a successful day. So Do you need one? Answer: YES. Seriously, trust me! If you want to increase your energy and be … Read More

Choc-Banana Smoothie


Smoooothies are my absolute favorite way to start the day! I have found my body works best with a smoothie for breakfast. They are easily digested after you body has been fasting while you sleep. I just make sure to JAM PACK it full of amazing-ness to keep me feeling full and nourish my body. Give it a try and … Read More